








Upgrade from 7 to 8


If you have other migration issues than described here. Please chime in on this issue on GitHub.

Explicit Setup.cs needed

A breaking change in MvvmCross 8 is that you now explicitly have to implement your own MvxSetup derivative and implement two logging related methods. MvvmCross doesn’t provide any defaults for this.

An example of changes necessary to upgrade the TipCalc project from 7.1.2 to 8.0.1 can be found here in this Pull Request.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of platform specific MvxSetup classes you can use

Platform Class Name
iOS MvxIosSetup
Android MvxAndroidSetup
WPF MvxWpfSetup
UWP MvxWindowsSetup
Mac MvxMacSetup
iOS Forms MvxFormsIosSetup
Android Forms MvxFormsAndroidSetup

You will need to create your own Setup.cs class per platform as described in the logging documentation. If you don’t care about logging, you should be able to just return null in the two methods. However, it hasn’t been tested thoroughly.

public class Setup : MvxAndroidSetup<App>
    protected override ILoggerProvider CreateLogProvider()
        return new SerilogLoggerProvider();

    protected override ILoggerFactory CreateLogFactory()
        // serilog configuration
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            // add more sinks here

        return new SerilogLoggerFactory();

Then instead of registering which setup class to use in your Application class you specify your new Setup class instead:

public class MainApplication : MvxAndroidApplication<Setup, App>

Changes to method signatures in Setup.cs

If you have overridden some of the methods in a Setup.cs file already, you might notice that some methods have changed signature. This is intentionally to ease work in the future, if we decide to switch out the Mvx.IoCProvider static or switch to a different IoC Container. So now a lot of methods pass in IMvxIoCProvider as argument.

An example of what changes you can expect:

- protected virtual IMvxChildViewModelCache CreateViewModelCache()
+ protected virtual IMvxChildViewModelCache CreateViewModelCache(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

MvxNavigationService constructor requires IMvxIoCProvider

MvxNavigationService now requires an instance of IMvxIoCProvider as argument. It was previously abusing Mvx.IoCProvider to acquire an instance of IMvxViewsContainer lazily. This is a bit better now, we might consider changing this even further in the future simply requiring as an argument in the constructor as well. This eases testing significantly as IMvxIoCProvider now can be mocked:

- public MvxNavigationService(
-    IMvxViewModelLoader viewModelLoader,
-    IMvxViewDispatcher viewDispatcher)
+ public MvxNavigationService(
+    IMvxViewModelLoader viewModelLoader,
+    IMvxViewDispatcher viewDispatcher,
+    IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

MvxBindingBuilder methods now pass in IMvxIoCProvider

MvxBindingBuilder and subclasses have changed some method signatures to now pass along IMvxIoCProvider.

- public virtual void DoRegistration()
+ public virtual void DoRegistration(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

- protected virtual void InitializeLayoutInflation()
+ protected virtual void InitializeLayoutInflation(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

- protected virtual void InitializeBindingResources()
+ protected virtual void InitializeBindingResources(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

- protected override void RegisterPlatformSpecificComponents()
+ protected override void RegisterPlatformSpecificComponents(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

- protected virtual void InitializeContextStack()
+ protected virtual void InitializeContextStack(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)

- protected virtual void InitializeViewTypeResolver()
+ protected virtual void InitializeViewTypeResolver(IMvxIoCProvider iocProvider)