








Mac View Presenter


View Presenter Overview

The default presenter for Mac named MvxMacViewPresenter works in a similar way as the default ViewPresenter for iOS does. Together with the ViewsContainer, the presenter supports Storyboards, .xibs and coded interfaces.

It offers out of the box support for the following navigation patterns / strategies:

  • Multiple windows by properties or via storyboard
  • Content inside windows
  • Modals
  • Sheets
  • Tabs

Also if your app needs another kind of presentation mode, you can easily extend it!

Presentation Attributes

The presenter uses a set of PresentationAttributes to define how a view will be displayed. The existing attributes are:


Used to initiate a new Window. The first view of your app should use this attribute or any attribute (see defaults section).

You can customize how the window will look through the following properties:

Name Type Description
Identifier string Window identifier, used to identify the window for other attributes. If an identifier is not provided by the developer, it will be set to the name of the view class. In apps with multiple identical windows you should generate unique window identifier at runtime.
WindowStyle NSWindowStyle? Used to set the NSWindowStyle. Default value is NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Resizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled.
BufferingType NSBackingStore? Used to set the NSBackingStore. Default value is NSBackingStore.Buffered.
PositionX float Default value is 200.
PositionY float Default value is 200.
Width float Default value is 600.
Height float Default value is 400. “

To use a window generated in Storyboard, click on the storyboard and create a new Window Controller in Interface Builder. You may delete the generated View Controller. Back in Visual Studio for Mac, change the resulting NSWindowController to a MvxWindowController. Add two parameters to the MvxWindowPresentationAttribute, the WindowControllerName followed by the StoryboardName, e.g.,

[MvxWindowPresentation("CustomWindow", "Main")]

Properties introduced inside the attribute will override the storyboard properties, e.g.,

[MvxWindowPresentation("CustomWindow", "Main", Width = 800)]

will set the CustomWindow Width to 800.


Used to set a view as content of a Window. Please notice that changing the content of a window does not automatically generate a navigation stack as it would be on iOS. Changing the content of a window dismisses the old content. You can choose in which window should this view be displayed by using the WindowIdentifier property of the attribute. If the identifier is not provided, the view will be displayed in the main window, and if no windows are focused it will be displayed in the last opened window.


Used to display a view as Modal. Same as with content, you can choose through the WindowIdentifier property from which window should the modal be opened. If the identifier is not provided, the view will be displayed in the main window, and if no windows are focused it will be displayed in the last opened window.


MacOS uses the concept of sheets to prompt the user with messages or small forms. If you use this attribute over a view class, it will be displayed as a sheet. You can choose from which window should it be opened through the WindowIdentifier property. If the identifier is not provided, the view will be displayed in the main window, and if no windows are focused it will be displayed in the last opened window.


This attribute is only useful (and should only be used) when the current Content of a Window is a IMvxTabViewController. By using it over a view class, the presenter will show the view as a Tab inside the TabViewController.

The presentation can be customized through this properties:

Name Type Description
TabTitle string Defines the title of the tab that will be displayed in the segmented control for tabs.
WindowIdentifier string identifier for the window where the view should be displayed.

Views without attributes: Default values

  • If a view class has no attribute over it, the presenter will assume a new window presentation.

Override a presentation attribute at runtime

To override a presentation attribute at runtime you can implement the IMvxOverridePresentationAttribute in your ViewController and determine the presentation attribute in the PresentationAttribute method like this:

public MvxBasePresentationAttribute PresentationAttribute(MvxViewModelRequest request)
    return new MvxModalPresentationAttribute
        WindowIdentifier = "MyWindow"

As you can see in the code snippet, you will be able to make your choice using a MvxViewModelRequest. This object will contain the PresentationValues dictionary alongside other properties.

If you return null from the PresentationAttribute method, the ViewPresenter will fallback to the attribute used to decorate the view. If the view is not decorated with any presentation attribute, then it will use the default attribute instead.

Hint: Be aware that this.ViewModel property will be null during PresentationAttribute. If you want to have the ViewModel instance available, you need to use the MvxNavigationService and cast the request parameter to MvxViewModelInstanceRequest.


The presenter is completely extensible! You can override any attribute and customize attribute members.

You can also define new attributes to satisfy your needs. The steps to do so are:

  1. Add a new attribute that extends MvxBasePresentationAttribute
  2. Subclass MvxMacViewPresenter and make it the presenter of your application in Setup.cs (by overriding the method CreatePresenter).
  3. Override the method RegisterAttributeTypes and add a registry to the dictionary like this:
    (vc, attribute, request) => ShowMyCustomModeViewController(vc, (MyCustomPresentationAttribute)attribute, request));
  1. Implement a method that takes care of the presentation mode (in the example above, ShowMyCustomModeViewController).
  2. Use your attribute over a view class. Ready!

Sample please!

You can browse the code of the Playground (macOS project) to see this presenter in action.