








Upgrade from 5 to 6


This guide assumes you are using MvvmCross 5.6.x. If you are updating your app from a previous version, please look at the appropiate blog posts.

The very first thing you will notice when upgrading / installing v6 nugets, is that a readme file will open automatically. Please read the readme instructions carefully, and don’t hesitate to jump in and make a PR to improve it if you think anything is missing!

.NET Standard

MvvmCross 6 requires your app to use .NET Standard 2.0 as its base library now. Please make sure you make that upgrade before proceeding!

Names and namespaces changes

As part of the netstandard migration we took the chance to align some names and namespaces. We have massively simplified the solution structure to make it easier to get started with, and also changed some names in order to improve consistency across all platforms.

We know this (sadly) means breaking changes, so here you have a small summary which should help in the process of upgrading:

Extensions vs ExtensionMethods

In the past we had a mix for extension methods between Extensions and ExtensionMethods. All extension classes are now called Extensions.


Previously we had a mix between iOS and Ios namespaces. We have unified them all to Ios.


As we now don’t have separate projects for each platform’s implementations, we got rid of the Xamarin limitation for naming android projects as “Android” (that’s why the convention of Droid exists!). In summary, we have changed most namespaces that included Droid to Android.


Previously we had a mix between tvOS and Tvos namespaces. We have unified them all to Tvos.


Previously we had a mix between Uwp and Uap namespaces. We have unified them all to Uap.


  • MvvmCross.Forms.Platform is now MvvmCross.Forms.Core.
  • MvvmCross.Forms.{Platform} is now MvvmCross.Forms.Platforms.{Platform}.

Core and all platforms

  • MvvmCross.Platform namespace is now MvvmCross.
  • Most framework core classes are now under the namespace MvvmCross.Base.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.{Platform}.Platform is now MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Base.
  • MvvmCross.Binding.{Platform} namespace is now MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Binding.
  • MvvmCross.Core.Platform.Convertersnamespace is now MvvmCross.Converters
  • MvvmCross.Core.Platform namespace is now MvvmCross.Core.
  • Platform initialization code (Setup classes, ..) was moved from MvvmCross.{Platform}.Platform to the namespace MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Core.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.{Platform}.Views is now under the namespace namespace MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Views.Base.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.UI namespace is now MvvmCross.UI.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.Exceptions namespace is now MvvmCross.Exceptions
  • All PresentationHints are now at MvvmCross.Presenters.Hints.
  • MvvmCross.Core.ViewModels namespace is now MvvmCross.ViewModels.
  • MvvmCross.{Platform}.Platform namespace is now MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Core.
  • MvvmCross.{Platform}.ViewModels namespace is now MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.ViewModels.
  • MvvmCross.{Platform}.Views namespace is now MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Views.
  • MvvmCross.Core.Views namespace is now MvvmCross.Views.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.ExtensionMethods.MvxCrossCoreExtensions class is now MvvmCross.Base.MvxCoreExtensions.
  • MvvmCross.Platform.WeakSubscription namespace is now MvvmCross.WeakSubscription.
  • MvvmCross.Test.Core namespace is now MvvmCross.Tests.
  • JetBrains.Annotations namespace is now MvvmCross.Annotations.


  • All IoC related code was moved from MvvmCross.Platform.IoC to MvvmCross.IoC.
  • MvxSimpleIoCContainer is now MvxIoCContainer.


MvxTrace and everything related was removed in v6. Please take a look at the official documentation to learn about the new logging system.

  • MvvmCross.Platform.Logging is now MvvmCross.Logging.
  • MvvmCross.Core.Platform.LogProviders namespace is now MvvmCross.Platforms.Logging.LogProviders.
  • MvvmCross.Core.Navigation is now MvvmCross.Navigation.
  • ShowViewModel and MvxNavigatingObject were removed. MvxNavigationService should be used instead. Please take a look at the official documentation to learn about it.
  • MvxNavigationServiceAppStart was removed and MvxAppStart uses the navigation service internally.


  • MvvmCross.Binding.{Platform} is now available at MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Binding.


All Commands related code was moved from MvvmCross.Core.ViewModels to MvvmCross.Commands.


ViewPresenters are now under their own folder. Therefore we had to modify namespaces:

  • Presenters code under MvvmCross.{Platform}.Views is now at MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Presenters
  • MvvmCross.{Platform}.Views.Attributes to MvvmCross.Platforms.{Platform}.Presenters.Attributes


All plugin namespaces have changed, but you shouldn’t worry about it unless you are diving deep into their implementations.

  • The Plugins keyword is now Plugin.
  • MvvmCross.Plugins.{PluginName}.{Platform} is now MvvmCross.Plugin.{PluginName}.Platforms.{Platform}
  • MvvmCross.Platform.Plugins namespace is now MvvmCross.Plugin.

Breaking changes


As part of the Setup improvements, we have removed all parameters from constructors and moved them to a new method: PlatformInitialize. The SetupSingleton that existed previously only on Android has been extended and it now exists for all platforms.


  • It is no longer necessary that you call AppStart by yourself. All visual initialization code can now be done by MvvmCross automatically. If you need to provide a hint to it (if you are for example using push notifications), then you just need to override the method GetAppStartHint on the class where you used to call the code to run the AppStart. In case you need further control over what happens, you can override RunAppStart.
  • IMvxAppStart has a new method: ResetStart() and a new property: bool IsStarted { get; }. If you are using a custom AppStart, then it is recommended that you make it inherit from the brand new base class MvxAppStart, which implements everything by default.
  • The method Start is now reserved and managed by the framework. If you are using a custom AppStart you should use the protected method Startup from now on.



  • On Android, the method ToAndroidColor was renamed to ToNativeColor in order to match all other platforms.


DownloadCache was removed in v6.0, as well as MvxImageView and all the related code. Reason being is that there were multiple ancient issues around it and its implementation wasn’t as clean as we would have liked. There are also multiple more efficient alternatives, like FFImageLoading.


  • IMvxOverridePresentationAttribute.PresentationAttribute now takes a MvxViewModelRequest as parameter. If you’re using a custom ViewPresenter that extends the default provided by MvvmCross, be aware that GetPresentationAttribute and GetOverridePresentationAttribute methods signatures have changed.
  • MvxFormsPagePresenter constructor now takes a single parameter. You will be affected by this change only if you are using Xamarin Forms and you are providing a custom pages presenter for a platform ViewPresenter.
  • On iOS, macOS and tvOS the Setup method CreatePresenter was renamed to CreateViewPresenter.
  • On iOS and tvOS, the method CleanupModalViewControllers was renamed to CloseModalViewControllers.
  • The method NativeModalViewControllerDisappearedOnItsOwn is now called CloseTopModalViewController.
  • IMvxTvosModalHost and IMvxIosModalHost were deprecated and removed.
  • On iOS, the method PresentModalViewController was renamed to ShowModalViewController.
  • IMvxNavigationService.ChangePresentation is now an async method (the method now returns a Task<bool>). It was the only “sync” method on IMvxNavigationService, which was odd.
  • Two methods were added to the IMvxNavigationService interface: Task<bool> CanNavigate<TViewModel> and Task<bool> CanNavigate(Type viewModelType).


  • The method RaiseCanExecuteChanged was added to the IMvxCommand interface.


IMvxLog has a new method: bool IsLogLevelEnabled(MvxLogLevel logLevel).


  • IMvxAndroidSplashScreenActivity was removed. It was replaced by IMvxSetupMonitor, which is located on the MvvmCross.Core namespace.
  • On both SplashScreen activities (traditional and AppCompat), the method TriggerFirstNavigate was removed. RunAppStart is it’s replacement. But in case you need to pass a hint to your custom AppStart, the method you should override is GetAppStartHint, which will receive the incoming Bundle as a parameter.
  • MvxRelativeLayout, MvxFrameLayout and MvxTableLayout were removed as they were memory inefficient (nothing we can do to improve that).
  • If you were declaring any view on your .axml files which prefix is “Mvx…” using the entire namespace, then you might see your app breaking. This is because namespaces have changed for many views. Just remove the namespace and leave the widget name.
  • IMvxRecyclerViewHolder now has a new property: int Id { get; set; }, which contains the LayoutId being used.
  • MvxWakefulBroadcastReceiver was removed, as it was deprecated by the platform.
  • The interface IMvxTemplateSelector has a new property: int ItemTemplateId { get; set; } which will be filled with the default LayoutId or the one you set by .axml using the item template attr.
  • On MvxAndroidViewPresenter, ShowIntent has a new parameter.
  • On MvxAppCompatViewPresenter, CreateActivityTransitionOptions changed its return type.
  • As part of the shared elements evolution, MvxActivityPresentationAttribute and MvxFragmentPresentationAttribute have lost some properties - they were deprecated.
  • On both presenters, callback methods like OnBeforeFragmentChanging and OnFragmentChanged now forward the MvxViewModelRequest object as a parameter.


  • MvxBaseWpfViewPresenter and MvxSimpleWpfViewPresenter were removed. It is highly recommended that you migrate to MvxWpfViewPresenter.

iOS Support package

The package iOS-Support has been removed in v6. But this doesn’t mean we have deleted it! Most reusable bits are now part of the main lib, and the sidebar support is now a plugin that you can install on your iOS project.


Some methods and classes that were marked as [Obsolete] previously, have been finally removed on MvvmCross 6. This includes:

  • MvxBaseFluentBindingDescription.Overwrite(...)
  • MvxFluentBindingDescription.Described(...)
  • IMvxConsumer (IoC)
  • IMvxProducer (IoC)
  • MvxIoCExtensions (all methods)
  • MvxEventSourceTabActivity (Android)
  • MvxTabActivity (Android)
  • Some constructos for MvxCollectionViewCell (iOS)